Year2 children began their new topic “Let’s Celebrate” with a series of party games and sharing their knowledge of events. This included party, food, a dance competition and making party hats. As celebrations are an important part of human life. They are one of the things that make us uniquely human. All peoples and cultures, from every part of the world, take part in and hold celebrations to mark special events and special times in someone’s life. Year2 had so much fun on this celebration!

Last week in our new IPC topic called ‘They see the word like this’ we learned the skill of carvings the spring onions and cucumbers. The students were sensible using the carving knife with great care. Well done Year 6

In Nursery this term we have been studying mini beasts as part of our International Early Years Curriculum topic ‘Brilliant Bug Ball’. The children had fun using their expressive art and design skills to create unique costumes. They also created invitations and made some party food which related to the topic of insects. The children performed their talk for writing to the rest of Foundation Stage. They also became bug experts and shared facts about their favourite mini beasts.

Chinese New Year 2021 celebrations, PPiP students were happy to explore the story of Monster Nian, the traditional and modern custom, and the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. They also enjoyed many festive activities including making their Ox Masks, Chinese Lucky Knots and their own firework decorations. We wish you a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! xīn nián kuài lè!

PPiP Christmas Corner
What a festive Christmas Day we had at PPiP🎅 Our students enjoyed many activities including making Christmas decorations with their friends and teachers. We are looking forward to having more activities soon!!

It was the best spooky day ever!🕷The students enjoyed their trick or treat. They were participating in many activities including Haunted House, cup bowling, tattoo station and many more!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN 👻

To celebrate Loy Krathong festival, we began with a special assembly focused on vocabulary, the history of Loy Krathong Day, and learning about the Sukhothai Kingdom. Lastly we made our own Krathong (Lotus Krathong, Lotus-leave Krathong and Banana stalk Krathong). Well done everyone!

Year 4 Art Gallery
The Year 4 proudly arranged and presented an Art Gallery. It had a fantastic collection of everything they made and learnt about for our IPC unit Paintings, Pictures and Photographs. They spoke about Landscape Art, Abstract Art and Optical Illusion Art. Additionally, they showed off their projects: Stop-Motion animations and the verbal boxes they designed. All guests from students and teachers alike were delighted by what they saw and heard. Well done Y4!!

Year 5's Fundraiser for Australia
Year five have been learning about existing, endangered and extinct animals in the IPC. During this time, the Australian bush fire occurred and year five felt that they must help. Pupils discussed what they could do and managed this event. They discussed budgeting, organised what to sell and even decorated and packed the cupcakes, cookies and Australian delicacies. We managed to raise 16, 686 baht in total and we could not be anymore proud of our pupils. That is a huge amount of money which is greatly appreciated by Australian Red Cross and our pupils have shown themselves to be citizens of the future.

Safer Internet Day 2020
We had a phenomenal time celebrating Safer Internet/Computing Day today. Students in KS1 and KS2 explored what it means to be more mindful in their use of the internet and technology. They learnt that they should Pause and Think when they are online! This means being respectful, kind, and careful sharing any personal information. They also undertook activities based around computing concepts: algorithms, decomposition and binary numbers.

Happy Chinese new Year 2020
Happy Chinese new Year! xīn nián kuài lè! we celebrated the Chinese New Year through participating in the Chinese cultural actives. Foundation Stage colored the Chinese God of Fortune, cái shén yé which is the symbol for good fortune and luck in the upcoming year. Year 1 made the Chinese lucky fish as the wish for a wealthy year in 2020. Year 2 used recycled bottles and balloons to design and made Chinese lantern which symbolizes prosperous life. Year 3-5 were excitedly making the traditional the gold-shaped dumplings to taste a bite of reunion, to wish for wealth and golden day for each day in the Year of Rat!

Year 2 visited King Power Mahanakorn
Year 2 visited King Power Mahanakorn as part of our IPC topic “What’s It Made Of?”. This term we have looked at various buildings and what materials they are made of. We loved seeing the view of Bangkok and were able to point out various well-known buildings. We even wrote postcards to our families about our experience and posted them in the letterbox!

Year1 trip at Farm De Lek
Year 1 visited Farm De Lek as part of our current IPC topic “Plants and Insects”. We took part in so many fun activities including making our own puffed rice! After we tried our delicious snacks, we then went to feed the animals. This gave Year 1 the perfect opportunity to learn more about their science topic - animals including humans. What a fun day!

PPiP Christmas Corner
In order to celebrate the children’s hard work this term and get into the Christmas spirit, we had a magical time eating cookies and drinking milk whilst listening to beautiful Christmas stories. Merry Christmas from PPIP!

Christmas Showcase 2019
The end of our first term was celebrated with PPiP’s annual Christmas Showcase. Everyone was full of holiday cheer as we came together to watch as each class was able to show the parents some of their learning. We were also gifted with wonderful musical and dance performances. With the learning celebrated, everyone took part in the festivities while enjoying the many activities being held. Thank you everyone for your participation and support. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Year 2 visited King Power Mahanakorn
Year 2 visited King Power Mahanakorn as part of our IPC topic “What’s It Made Of?”. This term we have looked at various buildings and what materials they are made of. We loved seeing the view of Bangkok and were able to point out various well-known buildings. We even wrote postcards to our families about our experience and posted them in the letterbox!

Year1 trip at Farm De Lek
Year 1 visited Farm De Lek as part of our current IPC topic “Plants and Insects”. We took part in so many fun activities including making our own puffed rice! After we tried our delicious snacks, we then went to feed the animals. This gave Year 1 the perfect opportunity to learn more about their science topic - animals including humans. What a fun day!

Foundation Stage: Siam Ocean World
Nursery and Reception dove deep under the ocean waves and went to Ocean World. We had an amazing time and saw some incredible sea creatures, big and small. The children loved seeing the sharks, otter show and penguin feeding. The children saw some huge fish and some tiny seahorses too. The children even got to pet the starfishes. Some children described its skin as feeling rough like that of an elephant. Visiting Ocean World was a very special day that we will remember for a very long time to come.

Year 4 explored the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre
Year 4 explored the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre. They admired the varying displays and paid close attention to when the pieces were made and where the artists were from. This will prepare them for their upcoming IPC unit Paintings, pictures and photographs.

Year 5 - Planetarium and Bounce
We held our annual PPiP phonics meeting. Parents joined a lecture from Miss Ellie about supporting reading and writing at home then joined their child’s phonics lesson. We look forward to welcoming you back into school again for another meeting soon.

Keeping Up With the Kids: Phonics Meeting 2019
We held our annual PPiP phonics meeting. Parents joined a lecture from Miss Ellie about supporting reading and writing at home then joined their child’s phonics lesson. We look forward to welcoming you back into school again for another meeting soon.

Loy Krathong Day 2019
We participated in the assembly where we learned about the history of this unique event through a quick game session as well as a well-informed video. In addition to complete our Loykrathong’s Day, we made our own Krathong and float it together with our friends. What a fun day!

Year 1 in Harbor Land
Year 1 visited Harbor Land as part of their current IPC unit The Magic Toymaker. Lots of fun was had by all and so many of the children displayed such amazing resilience when going down such big slides! We hope the children had as much fun as the teachers did!

Halloween Activities 2019
PPiP celebrated their annual Halloween Party. With spooktacular costumes, fangtastic prizes and exciting activities, it was a day lived by all. We began our day with our Halloween assembly followed by prizes given to those in the best dressed homemade costume in each key stage. We can't wait for next year's fun and games. Happy Halloween

Sustainability Week
Sustainability week PPiP has been looking at various activities related to global issues. Nursery and Reception created a beautiful piece of work using natural colour. Key stage 1 planted edible plants, such as morning glory and holy basil. Key stage 2 designed creative logos for fabric bags. Remember, THERE IS NO PLANET B Help us save the world

Hipanic Day 2019
Thank you again to everyone that participated in the KS2 Hispanic Day event before half term break. Thank you also for the great feedback we've received recently and for your engagement and participation during the event. For those of you that couldn't make it we hope you can participate next year. We had a presentation on Hispanic Day, lots of Spanish and Latin food, a children vs adults Hispanic knowledge quiz (that the children won with ease), a professional Flamenco dance performance and even a piñata! Well done everyone!

Year 4 Unit: Active Planet (Exit Point)
For our exit point, Year 4 used the skills they had learnt and ran their own evacuation shelter for their parents. The children managed, provided medical treatment for the injured and supplied food. They also ran support groups, managed beds and looked after the children. Well done all!

Year 3 Field Trip to Kidzania
The year 3 teachers have been so proud of the year 3’s hard work this first term that we celebrated their efforts at Kidzania this week. The children enjoyed learning about a variety of different careers and had fun practising many skills! We can’t wait to see what skills they will develop next term...

Foundation Stage Exit Point Party!
Once upon A Time unit: To wrap up our first unit: One Upon A Time, Foundation Stage got to celebrate the amazing princes & princesses ball. 🕺 Some of our children came in with a lovely outfit or a self-made crown! We really enjoyed dancing, musical chairs, fairy tale colouring as well as countless snack supported by the parents. Your support is very much appreciated. Can’t wait to see what’s waiting for us in the next unit!!

Year 2 Field Trip to Sea Life Bangkok Ocean World
Year 2 have been learning about all things water in our first IPC topic of this year, Waterworld. We visited the Sea Life centre and got to go behind the scenes to see how they care, look after and feed the fish. We also learnt about the different types of fish and where abouts in the world they live, as well as being able to touch real starfish!

PPiP End of Acedemic Year 2019
It was lovely to have the students, teachers and parents all together to celebrate this academic year. We hope everyone enjoy our PPiP End of Year Showcase! This has been such a fun year, full of wonderful memories, we are going to miss all of PPiP students this summer. We are so proud of how hard everyone have worked and how smart everyone has become. We wish you have the best time this summer and see you in August!

PPiP Sports Day 2019
It was a fantastic fun day and even though the weather wasn’t on our side. The children showed fantastic sportsmanship skills. We are so proud of them all.

Year4 Sleep Over
Year 4 had a fantastic night sleeping over in the school. We cooked our own food, had a treasure hunt in the dark and toasted marshmallows around a campfire. All of the children should be very proud of how maturely they behaved and the teachers couldn't be happier with how enthusiastic they were about all the activities. Well done everyone!

Foundation stage at Imaginia Playland
Foundation Stage went to Imaginia Playland for our IEYC topic, 'Imagine That!' We used to interactive technology to create art and music, and of we course made some time to play!

Year 4 field trip at Thai Plastic Recycle factory
Year4 went to Thai Plastic Recycle factory. We were amazed at how much plastic is used every day in Thailand and learnt how factories recycle this, turning it in to useful materials. We thought about ways if reducing our plastic use in order to create a better future for our planet. Well done Year 4!

Year2 visited Mahanakorn Building
On 30th May 2019 Year 2 visited the second-tallest building in Bangkok, Kingpower Mahanakorn, for our IPC topic ‘What’s it made of’. We used the interactive software to explore what the buildings in Bangkok had to offer. We then sketched buildings in the surrounding area and discussed the materials and shapes of the buildings. We had such a wonderful day!

International Day 2019
We celebrated our annual International Day, the children were fortunate enough to visit 11 countries all within one morning. Children, teachers and parents all had a wonderful time exploring the booths and the various activities. Thanks again to the parents who helped make the day as successful as it was.

Year2 Wonderful Waffles
Year 2 had their Thai-culture lesson for their topic “What is it made of?.” We decided to use natural ingredients to make waffles. Lots of yummy faces were had by all and it’s a great activity before half term holidays.

Year1 visited Farm De Lek
Year 1’s visited Farm De Lek, as part of our current IPC topic ‘The Earth Our Home’. We learnt about a variety of animals, including why fish had scales and then the Year 1’s went on boats and fed the fish! As well as learning about the animals and getting to make their food and feed them, we learnt an important lesson about recycling and what might happen to the animals if we do not recycle and clean up after ourselves.

Year 3 Chocolate Lab
Year 3 went to visit the So Sofitel chocolate lab today as our entry point to our new IPC topic for chocolate. We were lucky enough to learn where chocolate comes from, how it is grown and sourced and then even got to make our chocolate using cacao. We had a lot of fun eating and tasting different types and we are looking forward to the rest of the term where we get to design our own type of chocolate bar!

PPiP Happy Songkran2019
This special day gave us the opportunity to understand the stories and traditions of Songkran. We also gained a lot of merit by expressing our respect to the Buddha statue. We sprinkled scented water on the statue and we poured scented water onto our teachers’ hands too! It’s another way to pay respect to our teachers and we were also asking for blessing. After that, we had so much fun enjoying a variety of Songkran activities. As you can see we all looked fantastic in our Thai clothes. Happy Songkran day!

Year1 Bug Ball
Year 1 had their Exit Point for their topic Plants and Insects. We held a bug ball, where the children dressed up as a plant or insect, took part in a fashion show and quizzed their parents on their learning. Lots of fun was had by all and it was a lovely way to celebrate all of their wonderful learning!

Swimming Gala 2019
In 2019 swimming gala, all swimmers have shown their great effort during the competition. Well done to all Swimmers who gave their best on swimming gala!

Year1 and Year2 visited the Butterfly Garden
On 26th March 2019, Year 1 and 2 visited the Bangkok Butterfly Garden and Insectarium as part of their current IPC topics. We studied the life cycle of butterflies and even got to see butterflies being released! It was lots of fun and the children were also engaged and were asking such thoughtful questions. It was a lovely way to finish our IPC topics!

Year 4 at Museum Siam
On 26th March 2019, the children of Year 4 went to Museum Siam to bolster their historical knowledge of Thailand. As part of our IPC topic, 'Footprints From The Past', the children learnt about how Thai culture developed and how international cultures were also adopted and adapted.

Year3 in Baan Kru Thani
Year 3 went to the amazing Baan Kru Thani today, an educational rice farm. We spent the day hunting for eggs, boating, cleaning rice and even planting our own rice! It was a truly exceptional day and we had a lot of fun

World Book Day 2019
In PPiP's World Book Day 2019, we dressed up as our favourite characters. We had so much fun in our activities. Thank you for the children who brought the books to school for donation! Well done to everyone for all your amazing effort on World book day. You all looked fabulous! We hope you enjoyed the exciting activities and well done to the children who won the costume prizes.

Foundation Stage in Kidzania
On Wednesday, March 13, Foundation Stage went on an educational trip to KidZania. In a town setting the children were able to practice different jobs. They were able to role play pilots and air cabin crew for Air Asia, train to become fire fighters and rescue animals from a burning building, and play doctors and practice saving patients who are sick. We feel very safe being around our highly skilled and well trained children in Foundation Stage.

Chinese New Year Celebration 2019
Happy Chinese New Year! We learned about China through a variety of activities as we celebrated Chinese New Year. Foundation Stage designed their own Chinese drogon which is a symbol of China. Year 1 and Year 2 made Chinese lucky envelopes and money which symbolises the care of the elders to younger members of the family. Year 3 made Chinese paper cutting which will bring good fortune in the coming year. Year 4 made Chinese lanterns which are used for decoration during Chinese New Year. Wishing everyone a happy new year and good luck in the year of pig!